Percentage registered voters: Maps and summary

As at 28 February 2013

Following the 2011 census the Electoral Commission has, with the assistance of Statistics South Africa, made an analysis of the distribution of the estimated 31.4 million eligible voters per municipality and per ward. We have compared this information with the number of voters currently registered in those wards.

Below, you can download a provincial analysis and view maps that indicate the registration rate in every ward in each of our 234 local municipalities.


One of the main findings indicates that only 10% of 18 and 19 year olds in the country are currently registered as voters. The highest percentage of 15% is in the Eastern Cape and the lowest of 4% in the Western Cape whilst Gauteng has 5% in this age band registered as voters.

In the age band 20 – 29 years some 52% of potential voters are currently registered to vote. The highest percentage of 63% is again in the Eastern Cape with the Western Cape with 43% and Gauteng with 42% at the lower end of the scale.

In the various age bands for persons 30 years and older the percentage of registered voters increases dramatically and varies from 85% to 100% for those who are 80 years and older – in fact, in the latter age group we have more registered voters than the census indicated.

Overall the Eastern Cape and Free State have the highest rate of potential voters currently registered at 80.1% each whilst Western Cape with 70.4%, Mpumalanga with 70.3% and Gauteng with 69.5% trails the overall current national average of 73.8% of potential voters currently being registered.

Registration rates vary greatly amongst municipalities and there are a few small municipalities, with low population figures, where the indication is that most, if not all, potential voters are registered to vote – statistical distortions can, however, occur more easily with lower rather than higher numbers. The registration patterns per municipality vary from province to province but generally speaking the percentage of registered voters in rural municipalities tends to be higher than is the case in urban and in particular most metropolitan municipalities. Of particular interest is the tendency that the registration rates in different areas within many municipalities are significantly different.

Provincial analysis and stats

By municipality

Download registration percentages against the census estimated voting age population (VAP) by province, municipality and age band.
Format: Excel  Size: 96 KB | Format: PDF Size: 84.3 KB

By ward

Download registration percentages against the census estimated voting age population (VAP) by ward.
Format:  Excel  Size: 602 KB | Format:  PDF Size: 637 KB
