A special vote allows a registered voter who can't vote at their
voting station on election day to vote on a predetermined day before election
In the 2024 National and Provincial Elections, special voting will
take place two days before election day on 27 and 28 May, from 9am to 5pm (note
the times).
By law, special votes can only be cast on the dates specified in
the election timetable and no exceptions can be made.
There are 1,7 million approved special votes: 653 000 of
these are special votes by home visit, while just over 1 million are voting
station special votes.
In all, there is at least a single approved special vote
in 22 626 of the total of 23 292 voting stations in the 2024
Voters are urged to check their registration details and confirm
the location of their correct voting stations ahead of election day by using
the following channels:
Remember the general principle that voters may only vote at a
voting station at which they are not registered if they have pre-notified the
Commission (so-called Section 24A votes). The period of pre-notification for
Section 24A votes closed on 17 May 2024, and it is no longer possible to change
or update your voting station.
Voters who pre-notified the Commission of their intention to vote
at another identified voting station will cast their ballots on 29 May 2024 at
the voting station of their choice.
Voters are reminded to bring their valid South African identity document
(ID) when voting: either a green barcoded ID book, smartcard ID, or valid
temporary identity certificate (TIC).
The Department of Home Affairs offices will be open on Saturday 25
May 2024, 08h00 to 13h00, for ID collection
services and the facilitation of new applications and issuance of TICs.
Have a question? Reach
us as follows: