Special Vote
A special vote allows a registered voter, who can't vote at their voting station on election day, to apply to vote on a predetermined day before election day. Alternatively, you can also apply By SMSing your identity number to 32249 (R1.00 per SMS). (For special vote at a voting station ONLY).
Apply for a special vote
Use our secured online application form by clicking on Apply now button.
Check special vote application status online
Check your special vote application status by using our secured online form. Click Check now button to continue. Alternatively, you can also check By SMSing your identity number to 32711 (R1.00 per SMS).
Vote at another voting station notice (Section 24A)
By law, all South African residents must register to vote where they reside, and vote where they are registered. However, in terms of the new Electoral Amendment Act, Section 24A, a voter may vote outside of their voting district in-country, but ONLY if they notified the Electoral Commission (IEC) in advance during the timeframe specified in the Election Timetable, that is, by Friday, 17 May 2024, 23:59, indicating at which voting district they intend to vote.
Vote at another voting station notice (Section 24A)
Use our secured online notification form by clicking on Submit now button.
Vote at another voting station notice (Section 24A) status
Check your notification status by using our secured online form. Click Check now button to continue.
Voting Abroad
Notify the IEC of your intention to vote outside South Africa (VEC 10). If you will be out of the country on the National Election day and you have already registered to vote, you can submit a VEC 10 to notify us of your intention to vote at a South African embassy, high commission or consulate-general.
Submit a VEC 10 online
Use our secured online notification form by clicking on Submit now button.
Check VEC 10 notification status online
Check your voting abroad (VEC 10) notification status by using our secured online form. Click Check now button to continue.